DemDread Kickin The Actual Factuals Podcast

THE TRUTH AND ALL THAT…….That’s what DemDread Kickin The Actual Factuals Podcast is all about speaking the truth of black, brown and indigenous peoples lives in these United States and the world. I will endeavor to look at us, a people and the centuries old vortex that we have been in and continue to be in. From capture to chattel slavery to supposed emancipation to Jim Crow to supposed Civil rights, all of them being spawned by racism, fascism, bigotry, prejudice and supremacy right up to present day.

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White Supremacy For Dummies Pt. 2

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023

This episode seeks to evaluate the methods and mindset of white supremacy and supremacy in general. We, as human beings, tend to never really understand the true nature of supremacy and the fact that it is and has a comprehensive motivation to be carried out with maniacal and ever-present deviance that brings about great suffering and depravity in the world and has done so from the entrance of man into the world.

Thursday Mar 02, 2023

This episode looks at the history and creation of the term "White Supremacy" and seeks to provide a clearer understanding of what it is and its historical existence in both the world and especially in the United States, in the lives of black, brown, and indigenous people. 

Saturday Feb 25, 2023

This podcast episode is about the struggle that I DemDread went through in creating my podcast and how I was able to overcome the problem and proceed with the podcast.

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